Friday 16 March 2018

Russia Elections 2018- get started with these academic resources

Russian elections will take place on the 18th March.

Get stated with the briefing papers from IFES there is also an FAQ and statistics.
the official election commission has  a site in English with facts from the perspective of the Russian government
Russian Public opinion research center has some presidential polls in English

Election observation mission has been deployed by the OSCE
The EU has made statements on the listing of certain election observation organisations as undesirable.
one of those listed is the European Platform for Democratic Elections. Its website has comments on the elections 

Think tank analysis
Carnegie Endowment
Brookings Institution analysis of foreign policy and Russia
Council on Foreign relations analysis of international security issues
Conversation blog
Chatham House
BBC monitoring

Newspaper coverage
New York Tiimes

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Italian elections get some academic facts

Italian went to the polls at the weekend.

Official information on the regulation and outcome of the elections can be located on the Ministry of the Interior website
which has also posted the results
The ministry also hosts a historical site with  results from the senate and European elections. Many dating back to 1948
For an English language version of historical results se the The European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook (EJPR PDY), published by Wiley on behalf of the European Consortium for Political Research,  which has some information from 1987 onwards.
Italian National Election Studies conducts research on voter attitudes. Its website lists publications on past elections and has information about availability of data sets

Newspaper coverage
The main Italian newspapers have analysis pols and interviews.
La Stampe
Corriere della Sera
English Language
this also had a poll tracker
Washington Post
New York Times

Blog comments

The Conversation
Political Studies Association Italian politics group
SISE – Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali | Blog
CONGRIPS the Conference Group on Italian Politics and Society.- American Political Science Association.
Istituto Carlo Cattaneo